Saraswat Cooperative Bank Limited IFSC codes

Vikhroli West (Mumbai)

View details of Vikhroli West (Mumbai) branch of Saraswat Cooperative Bank Limited.
Get information for branch name, IFSC, address and contact.
Bank NameSaraswat Cooperative Bank Limited
Branch NameVIKHROLI West
DistrictGreater Bombay
AddressChandan House, Station Road, Vikhroli (W), Mumbai - 400 079.
Contact 022-25780245
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What is IFSC ?
IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code . The Payment System Applications such as RTGS, NEFT and Centralised Funds CFMS developed by the Reserve Bank of India use these codes.
The IFSC code consists of 11 Characters : (e.g SYNB0005320)
  • First 4 characters represent the entity (SYNB0005320 )
  • Fifth position has been defaulted with a '0' (Zero) for future use (SYNB0005320)
  • Last 6 character denotes the branch identity (SYNB0005320 )

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